FPSC Jobs Advt no 1/2023 – Federal Public Service Commission 431 views

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FPSC Jobs Advt no 1/2023 – Federal Public Service Commission

This page has the most recent information about FPSC Jobs 2023 Current Advertisement. A job advertisement for FPSC was published in a Pakistani newspaper, https://fpsc.gov.pk/.

Federal Civil Service Commission FPSC is a government agency that recruits highly qualified, energetic and intelligent personnel for various civil service positions in Pakistan.
The FPSC conducts competitive examinations to recruit top talent for various federal ministries and agencies, including civil servants, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the police.

FPSC conducts various exams throughout the year for different positions such as the Central Superior Services (CSS) exam, the Foreign Service of Pakistan (FSP) exam and the Police Service of Pakistan (PSP) exam. These exams are clearly competitive and attract a large number of applicants.

Its selection process is designed to identify the most qualified and suitable candidates for these positions and to ensure that the federal government has qualified and dedicated staff to serve the people of Pakistan.

According to the information posted in FPSC Advertisement the Federal Public Service Commission is soliciting applications from highly dynamic and intelligent individuals to fill vacancies in various departments.

The FPSC is staffed by an Assistant Private Secretary, Assistant Director, Senior Statistician, Chief Statistician, Senior Investigator, Director of Planning & Statistics, Assistant Civilian Sheriff, Civilian Labor Officer, Civilian Assistant Security  Officer, Civilian Labour Officer, Establishment & cash Officer, Assistant Network Administrator, Associate Professor/Vice Principal, Lecturer, Civilian Labour Officer.

Candidates selected for the above seats are recruited by NAB, Ministry of National Food Security, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Defence Production, Ministry of Maritime Affairs, and Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training.

Energetic and hard-working individuals with Bachelor’s Degrees, Master’s Degrees, LLB, MBBS, and PhD. Degrees, according to the admission requirements. The degree is applied to get vacant employment. FPSC provides opportunities for all Pakistanis based on regional quotas. Therefore, if you are from anywhere in Pakistan, you are eligible for FPSC jobs. Both men and women are eligible according to reserved quotas.

FPSC Online Apply Procedure:

  • Visit her FPSC website (www.fpsc.gov.pk) and follow the instructions to submit your online application. Applicants without internet access can also transfer offline applications.
  • You need to search for vacancies and access online applications. Provide the required personal information and print the Challan form. Pay the application processing fee charged by the FPSC and upload a scanned copy of the paid Challan form.
  • Wait until the FPSC announces the date and location of the written exam. Please make sure you have all the required documents and will be on time for the written exam. The FPSC will notify you via email or website if you are shortlisted for the exam.

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